High on winner's fumes, I decided to go out and get a few lottery tickets (3 scratches 1 MegaMillions) and 2/3 scratch offs were FREE ticket winners and then I landed the Mega Ball so that means technically I won the lottery too. Sure, add it all together and it means I broke even (2 free + $2), but that is not the point. It reminded me you have to be in it to win.
In it to win it is not just for gambling (which I do not encourage anyone to get addicted to, it can be very destructive) but as a prompt for life. Dating: in it to win it. Job hunting: in it to win it. ..... So even though it's a little early for declarations, I am going to adopt in it to win it as a theme for 2010. Because I don't know about you, but sometimes I am not always in it and maybe that is where all the winners are.
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