Friday, March 12, 2010

I'd Like To Thank... And You?

For the last couple of years the Academy Awards has had a segment where prior to the award being given the Best Actor and Actress are acknowledged by a tribute from one of their peers. This is one of my favorite parts of the show. Only one out of those five nominees is going to win the Oscar but to get a gushing minute tribute in front of the world- well, that's a pretty nice consolation prize.

This leads me to my Oscar Challenge: write your speech and find a way to give it. As an author I got to write an acknowledgment page in the back of my book and for my next book I'll get to do it again. But, there is no reason everyone can't do one. Why should you "waste" your time? First, it is fun and heart warming to think about who means enough in your life to be thanked. Second, what is a greater gift to give than to acknowledge people that make your life what it is?

Give it at the next family dinner, when you are out for burgers with your friends, your next business conference, write a blog about it, or a LinkedIn recommendation for someone.  Or go one step further and put it out in the Universe that you will win an award some day and use it as motivation to propel yourself into that situation (maybe it isn't an Oscar, but in some field that you are extraordinary in). Golly even just write it out and send in a letter. If you struggle to write it, maybe you need to take that as hint that it's time to attract more thank-worthy people into your life or simply stop being so stingy with your praise.

Either way, thank someone whether it is heard by millions or just them- it truly is golden.

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