Thursday, November 14, 2024

SomeBODY Wants YOU πŸ‘€

My Mother passed away on the afternoon of November 14th, 2014. And as my siblings and I sat there exhausted from being at her bedside for the last 10 hours waiting for her final moments, a nurse came in and gently asked if we would be open to allowing her eyes to be donated. I looked at her and questioned would they really be able to use this not so healthy smoker's corneas in someone else? She said: absolutely! 

As soon as the nurse left my sister and I looked at each other and laughingly burst into tears.

You see my Mother loved, loved, loved Rick Steves, the PBS travel guy who would do wonderful shows beautifully shot of his trips all over Europe. She would occasionally even make a pledge to the local PBS channel so she could get the latest DVD of his adventures. 

The idea that my Mother might get to see more of the world (even if just more of Chicagoland) that she didn't get to see in life filled us with happiness. Besides, she always thought her eyes were one of her best features πŸ˜‰

My point is... some BODY got to benefit from this big loss of ours. 

Please discuss your wishes with your family and sign up to become an organ donor today so on your last day you will live on and you'll be some other family's hero too  🦸🏻‍♂️

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